
英[stɑːf] 美[stæf]
  • n. 职员;参谋;棒;支撑
  • adj. 职员的;行政工作的
  • vt. 供给人员;给…配备职员
  • vi. 雇用工作人员
  • n. (Staff)人名;(德、匈)施塔夫;(瑞典、英)斯塔夫


复数: staff;第三人称单数: staffs;过去式: staffed;过去分词: staffed;现在分词: staffing;


staff 棍棒,权杖,拐杖,军事参谋,工作人员,全体职员

来自古英语 staef,棍棒,木柱,拐杖,来自 Proto-Germanic*stabaz,棍棒,柱子,来自 PIE*stebh, 棍子,柱子,支撑,来自 PIE*sta,站,站立,词源同 stand,staple.引申词义旗杆,并引申比喻 义军事参谋,即司令官的助手,后词义通用化为工作人员,全体职员等。


staff: [OE] Staff is a widespread Germanic word, with relatives in German stab, Dutch and Swedish staf, and Danish stav. These point back to a common Germanic ancestor *stabaz. Its ancestral meaning is ‘stick’, and its use as a collective term for ‘employees’, which dates in English from the 18th century, probably originated as an allusion to the carrying of a staff or ‘stick’ of office by a person in charge of subordinates – who thus became subsumed metaphorically under the notion of his ‘staff’.
staff (n.)
Old English stæf (plural stafas), "walking stick, strong pole used for carrying, rod used as a weapon, pastoral staff," probably originally *stæb, from Proto-Germanic *stabaz (cognates: Old Saxon staf, Old Norse stafr, Danish stav, Old Frisian stef, Middle Low German and Middle Dutch staf, Old High German stab, German Stab, Gothic *stafs "element;" Middle Dutch stapel "pillar, foundation"), from PIE root *stebh- "post, stem, to support, place firmly on, fasten" (cognates: Old Lithuanian stabas "idol," Lithuanian stebas "staff, pillar;" Old Church Slavonic stoboru "pillar;" Sanskrit stabhnati "supports;" Greek stephein "to tie around, encircle, wreathe," staphyle "grapevine, bunch of grapes;" Old English stapol "post, pillar").

As "pole from which a flag is flown," 1610s. In musical notation from 1660s. Sense of "group of military officers that assists a commander" is attested from 1702, apparently from German, from the notion of the "baton" that is a badge of office or authority (a sense attested in English from 1530s); hence staff officer (1702), staff-sergeant (1811). Meaning "group of employees (as at an office or hospital)" is first found 1837. Staff of life "bread" is from the Biblical phrase break the staff of bread meaning "cut off the supply of food" (Lev. xxvi:26), translating Hebrew matteh lekhem.

The Old English word, in plural, was the common one used for "letter of the alphabet, character," hence "writing, literature," and many compounds having to do with writing, such as stæfcræft "grammar," stæfcræftig "lettered," stæflic "literary," stæfleahtor "grammatical error," with leahtor "vice, sin, offense."
staff (v.)
"to provide with a staff of assistants," 1859, from staff (n.). Related: Staffed; staffing.


1. "One thing you can never insure against is corruption among your staff."—"Agreed."


2. A skeleton staff of 20 is being kept on.


3. The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organisers.


4. Free room and board are provided for all hotel staff.


5. You will be remunerated and so will your staff.



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